Schlagwortarchiv für: SFOE

Der erste SOUR (SWEET OUtside-the-Box Rethinking) Call endete am 31. März 2021. Das Format stiess auf hohe Resonanz, insgesamt wurden 77 Projektvorschläge eingereicht. Es waren Projekte gefragt, die ungewöhnliche und alternative Vorschläge bieten, um unser Energiesystem nachhaltig und klimaneutral zu gestalten. Der SOUR Call ergänzt den SWEET Call aus dem Jahr 2020. Dessen Leitthema ist die «Integration erneuerbarer Energien in ein nachhaltiges und resilientes Schweizer Energiesystem». Weiterlesen

The Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) in cooperation with the GEOTHERMICA ERA-Net network, which Switzerland is a part of, have launched a joint call for proposals for transnational projects on 31 May 2021. Weiterlesen

Era il 23 febbraio 2016, quasi 5 anni fa, quando Martin Hertach annunciava su questo stesso blog l’attivazione della pagina web

In maniera semplice e intuitiva (grazie alla collaborazione tra l’OFEN, swisstopo e meteosvizzera), veniva messo gratuitamente a disposizione della popolazione uno strumento in grado di dare indicazioni importanti sul potenziale solare di 4.2 milioni di tetti in Svizzera (circa il 50% del totale).

L’offerta si è ampliata sempre più e nel febbraio 2017 al potenziale dei tetti si è anche aggiunto quello delle facciate delle case, che può essere calcolato sul sito Weiterlesen

Wind turbines belong at locations with good wind, that goes without saying. In order for the wind to be converted into a good electricity yield, wind turbine operators must take numerous factors into account. Weiterlesen

The Ministerial Plenary Session on Hydropower, held at the 10th General Assembly (GA) of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on 12 January 2020, was a key success for the Swiss delegation. Switzerland, together with the International Hydropower Association (IHA), the World Bank, Norway and other IRENA member countries, co-organized the Ministerial Plenary Session. It built on the first ever IRENA Hydropower Event, which was initiated by Switzerland and took place at the 9th GA in January 2019. Weiterlesen

India is on it’s way to creating a strong, emergent economy defined by high quality research, tech advancements, a robust digital infrastructure, and a young, tech savvy generation with an entrepreneurial mindset. Weiterlesen

The transformation of the electricity market is in full swing: Large amounts of renewable, decentralized energy sources are being developed and consumers are becoming more and more prosumers, who «optimize» themselves. Weiterlesen

The International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics organized by EPFL’s Laboratory of Soil Mechanics brought together more than 250 research scientists and practitioners from 35 countries at the Swiss Tech Convention Centre in Lausanne to exchange ideas, practices and state-of-the-art developments. Weiterlesen

MAtCH is a exchange program for cleantech start-ups between Switzerland and Massachusetts/USA, operated by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Swiss Federal Offi­ce of Energy. The Swiss born architect Eric Nelson (46) has joined the program in fall 2017. In this interview he summarizes his experiences. Weiterlesen